Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Girls need to stop.

I'd like to start of this post by thanking my fellow "Haunted House Writer", blog writer, and good friend Mr. Cory Brin by giving me the idea for this post due to his post of "Christmas needs to stop" and others.

Hey Cory, i'm advertising your blog on my blog, you cool with that? K? Cool.

*ahem* Anyway.

Okay, this post is dedicated to every female who lives in a location that gets exceptionally cold in the winter months and who owns a pair of Ugg Boots or something similar.

Now, those of you who know me know I have similar boots to Uggs and wear them quite often. I love them. They're comfy, they're warm, and I think they look cute. That's probably because they remind me of what a lot of characters in the video games wear that I love oh so much:

"Link" of Legend of Zelda thinks boots over pants are cool.

But anyway, what disgusts me is the fact that girls wear.. skirts.. with no leggings.. or tights.. and just boots. Or shorts. A few weeks ago I actually saw a girl at the mall wearing a tiny pair of shorts, a winter coat, and a pair of Uggs.

It was snowing by the way, and the wind was whipping. It was freezing, quite simply.
Whoever that chick was, I wanted to seriously smack her.

You don't look cute senoritas, you look stupid. And you're probably freezing your little legs off, so just stop it and do us all a favor.

It just goes back to the latest trend of girls acting stupid for attention, but that's something to address next time.

Leave your thoughts for what you think of this very "practical" *rolls eyes* style!

Peace out!

Currently listening to (And recommends!): Woe (The Optimist) - Say Anything

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Being A Cashier...

I got told not to go into work today due to the snow. So instead i'm posting a really fun blog (in my opinion) that customers do while grocery shopping that annoy the piss out of cashiers.

1. "Are you open here?" Okay. Now. There's two uses for this very simple phrase that both really annoy cashiers. What shows that a cashier is open at a store? If you said the light above their register with the register number, you are correct. Obviously, people do not like to look at this light.
-Use number one of "are you open here?": Customer spies a cashier at a register where there are no other customers. The light of said register is not on. The aforementioned cashier is cleaning the register, and there are bags on the monitors. Just with me laying this out for you here; do you think the register is open? If you say no... once again, you are correct.

Why then, do people believe that we are open? Why must you ask? We will casually laugh, mention the number the registers that are open (with the light on!) and the customer will move on, usually pissed off because we didn't have enough courtesy to check them out right then and there with a register that doesn't have a drawer in it.

-Use number two: Okay, congratulations customer. You've done it. You've officially grabbed all of your groceries and successfully made it to the front end of the store for check out. You push your cart up to a lane with the light on, and there's a cashier standing there looking at you, but also looking quite bored. You mutter the magic phrase: "...Are you open here?"
What the cashier is really dying to say to you here is undoubtedly "No, douche. I'm standing here for my health. Just put your crap up on the belt, hand me your discount card and be on your way so I can go back to my extremely rewarding part-time job of being bored for the next 5 hours."
What we will say to you is something along these lines: "Uh-huh! *cheerful smile* How are you today? Do you have your *insert name here* Card today?"

2.) When the customer does not respond to your "Hi! How are you today?!", but instead tells you what kind of bag they want. My God. People... can you please just work with me here? We cashiers have this script kind of layed out for us:
"Hi! How are you today?"
"Do you have your Card today?"
"Would you like paper or plastic?"
Can you please, please, pleeease just answer me when I ask how you are today? I'll get to the bag part. I promise I will. I know you know that I really honestly do not care how you're feeling - I've never seen you outside of this location before and i'm completely apathetic to you to be honest... but it's common courtesy!

3.) When customers insist on not using dividers. They are there for a reason people. If you don't want me to put part of your order on my current customer's order I suggest you put up that divider.

4.)Cell phones. Please hang up your cell phone when you come through check out. Pantomiming everything I need to ask you is not part of my job discription... And also, I don't want to overhear your conversation. Once again, i'm apathetic about your life.

5.) Stereotypical old women who dump out their change purses on your register. Damn it, put the change in your pocket for now and move along. I have a line, and I can't start with them until you move. You are creating an extremely awkward moment while my next customer tries to hand me their discount card and I refuse it because you. haven't. moved!

6.) Grabbing the cashier's hand while we're trying to get things from you.Completely unnessesary, thank you for getting your disgusting jerms on me. I'm just trying to take your money. There does not need to be any hand-holding. This can be a completely contact-free transaction. I promise. 70% of the people who come through here do it all the time. So please, don't touch me. And don't get offended when I immeadiately sanatize my hands.

That's all I have for now. Thank you, for reading my first rant.


Currently listening to: Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) - Bruce Springsteen

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Death Wishes and Yoga!

So, I was going to post an uber long blog about how Jason Jones (the tech guy at my high school) was asking for a death wish by blocking personal email access on school computers...

But, he decided to let it go until last year. :)
Now I have nothing to talk about.

Other than how completely AWESOME Yoga is!

Yes, it's true. I am now obsessed with yoga. (And eating organic food. Do it. It's fantastic.) I started off with this obsession when my mother purchased Wii Fit Plus for me, and I actually got motivated to do it. Shocker.

Loosely defined, Yoga is the practicing of physical and mental health through breathing, meditation and practicing postures.

Defined by me, yoga is painful and amazing.

Yoga on the Wii Fit is simplified. You may choose to learn the poses they have offered, and your trainer will show you how. They also show you how to breathe. Which is in and out slowly through your nose. Deeply.

After using the Wii Fit yoga sessions for a week, I decided to check out some videos on the subject to see if I was doing it properly. I noticed just how elementary Wii Fit Yoga is, but it still accomplishes the same thing. (If done properly) Also, it shows you your center of balance, which I find very beneficial.

After two weeks of this, I find myself more relaxed and well with the world. And the poses are easier. When I first began, I was straining myself and holding my breath... which is a big no-no. Now, doing the Sun Salutation before and after school makes me feel sooooo good.

If you want to get into Yoga, and have a Wii, I strongly recommend buying Wii Fit Plus Balance Board Bundle and trying it out. I also recommend taking a class (does anyone want to take a class with me?!) or watching videos on Youtube.

For those of you who already do yoga: let me know what your favorite poses are!!!

You'll love me in the end, promise.


Currently listening to: Calle Ocho (I Know You Want Me) - Pitbull

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Blog!

Okay, so this will be... attempt number... 3, I think, of trying to keep and updated blog? I might actually do it this time. Key word there, might.
I've decided that i'm not quite sure what i'm going to post in here (Oxymoron, yes! +10). One day, it could be about Gravestone, it could be about Drama Club, it could be about school, music, my boyfriend, video games, books, my art teacher that I despise with the intensity of one thousands suns, whatever... But... it could possibly be interesting.

Today I come to you with school. And here's why:
Senior projects are in full swing. My senior class are half-way through our second oral updates (I finished! I got a 98! Yay!) and we're beginning work on our Research Paper. *insert suspenseful music here* I decided to do my paper on The No Child Left Behind Act and It's Effects On Our Education!
As I dove into this topic, i've discovered that there's a LOT to look at... but no one's really saying anything at all.
I believe that this act is holding the United State's students back. Reason being that no one is just as intelligent as another person... Now, I know that "you're only as strong as your weakest link," but i'm here to tell you that I don't believe in popular sayings and that you can always make your weakest link do something exceptionally simple, like just sitting there and nodding occasionally.

Okay, i'm getting a little off-topic. But my point is this:

Warning: I might use your words in my paper, if that happens... i'll let you know. So please use a name that I will recognize - or just let me know who you are.

Also, i've decided that at the end of my posts i'm going to tell you a song that I think you should listen to. So here's today's:
-Congratulations (Featuring Imogen Heap) by Blue October