Now, this blog was mainly here to vent about anything that I felt needed to be vented and ranted about; and today opened my eyes to something that really made me want to rip my hair out...
The DMV.
I am seventeen years old. In reality, this means I can see R-rated movies.
But hey, I guess I don't look my age because I can't get into these films without my mommy. Oh shoot - that made me look a little immature.
Unfortunately, I am deathly afraid of driving; so I don't have my license. So, no photo I.D.
Today, my boyfriend and I decided that we wanted to see one of those movies and we didn't want a hassle, or have to sneak in, to a movie that I should be allowed into. So... that meant a trip to the lovely Department of Motor Vehicles.
Thad, having already experienced a let-down at the DMV (along with 99% of the population, i'm sure.) , got prepared to ensure that no problems would be met and I would walk out of that god-forsaken place with a nice temporary I.D. I had my social security card, my birth certificate, cash... ready to go.
Getting there and taking a number; we waited for a little bit.
Before noticing the sign that said.........
Angered that we had forgotten this little snag, we left to go to a gas station so that I may get a money order. Money order in hand - we made our return trip.
Of course, no DMV could be in a populated, convenient area... so you know, it's a drive.
Upon returning we realized that it was getting a little late. Thaddeus needed to pick up his puppy from the groomer's in an hour, so I was left to fend for myself.
I pressed the button to receive my second number of the day, convinced that I had outsmarted the people of PennDOT and was about to get my ID.
108! Yes! That's me! As my excitement peaked - I walked to the desk.
And that's when a feeble old man cut in front of me.
Apparently, even the soulless employees of the DMV have feelings and the man sitting at the desk let the old man cut in front of me and told me that he'll "Get to me in a moment."
This just isn't going my way.
After the old man had left; I once again made the trip up to the desk and sat down.
The man looked at me and quietly said, "Okay, what do you need?"
I replied a photo ID, and promptly pulled out my documents to prove that I was actually a legitimate human.
And that's when I hit 2 detrimental snags.
1.) Apparently, I was at the wrong desk. You do not press the "photo" option on the number printer if you want a PHOTO ID. Whoops.
2.) Since I am under 18, and did not have parents with me, I needed a piece of mail to prove my address.
And the guy at the desk just wanted to tell me this before I "wasted my time."
My anger reaching it's limit, I told him that I already have and left.
You know, if they actually wanted to get things done at the DMV; they would tell you what they needed so you could actually get something accomplished.
I just think they like turning people away.
And what is the point of having a website if you're not going to have any sort of real information available?! I had to use the search bar to find out their hours of operation. Logical, PennDOT, very logical.
Well, that's my rant. I could go on and on about the stupid things that happened there today, meaningless anecdotes, but I would lose my point and seem a lot less intelligent.
Here, my dear readers, is some valuable information if you plan on braving the DMV:
*Hours of operation: 8:30am - 4:15pm
*What you should bring: Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, a check or money order with your needed amount for whatever you may be attempting to obtain, proof of address, and something to kill the wait time.... and/or the employees/annoying people. (I am not condoning this.)
This only holds true to the DMV's of Pennsylvania.
Oh, the real kicker here... the summer blockbuster we wanted to see was rated PG-13. So, we saw it anyway.
Peace out,
-Amy Lee
Currently listening to: "Your Love is My Drug" - Ke$ha
also suggests: using