Saturday, May 1, 2010


Right at this moment, i'm realizing the effect music has on me.
I'm feeling quite angsty at the moment, and I've been listening to Seether, Coheed and Cambria, Three Days Grace, Avenged Sevenfold, Blue October, Chevelle, and Muse since i've gotten out of work two hours ago.

I'm sure this isn't helping my crappy mood, but I can't help it.
Depending on my mood, I let music envelope me.

When i'm happy, it's danceable music. When i'm sad, it's mostly Bright Eyes. Angsty, like this... and I go back to goth-Amy.

I try to be positive, and I just can't.

Is something wrong with me? Or is everyone like this? I just decide that i'm going to be mad and I can't bring myself out of this.

Maybe I should just shuffle through and shut up.

-Amy Lee

Currently listening to (and want to cry my eyes out to): "I'm Broken" - Seether